Monday 11 February 2013


I've started working on my interview questions for the double page spread. This is the first draft of the article. I might change the questions round yet, add or change some.

Monday 4 February 2013

The three double page spreads are what I'm using for inspiration for my music magazine. I really like the minimalistic design and colours of the Lady gaga page, especially the giant L across the article, that's really eye catching and works really well. The reason i picked the radar magazine is because i really like the background for their image which is not just a plain colour, which is something i want to do on my double page spread. I like the layout of the the vaccines double page spread, i like the bold heading and also the use of quotes in the colour scheme.  When i make my double page spread i will use a mix of all three of these pages as inspiration when designing and making.

music contents page

This is an example of Q contents page. A large amount of the page is taken up by a main picture of a band. The design is very simple, as well as a simple colour scheme. The page has a lot of text, it does have two pictures as well but it doesn't look to busy like other contents pages I've looked at. When i make my contents page i will use this for inspiration, as well as another page i looked at when making my college magazine which is a contents page from Spin magazine.