Monday 10 December 2012

Music magazines

Most music magazines have a target audience of young people, it also depends on the artists they are going to feature. Although Magazines such a Mojo have a older target audience because they feature older artists such as the Beatles, and a lot of rock from the 70's and 80's, music that appeals more to older people such as middle aged people.  If a magazine is going to have lots of posters in such as Kerrang their target market is teenagers who will put the posters in their rooms.
Where as a magazine such as NME will have a wide target audience because of the wide variety of content they have in their magazine, features that will appeal to younger and older people.

Font ideas

These are some fonts that i have been looking at for my college magazine. I used coolfonts to get these.

Music magazine research

Top magazines-  There are many different music magazine genres, such as rock, pop, hip hop, even surf rock.
The popular magazines, are one such as Kerrang, NME, Q, Rock Sound  Nme focuses on indie and rock music, and their target audience is around 16 and over more focusing on young adults rather than young teenagers. They also aim for anyone who is interested in they type of music they focus on , and its published weekly.
A really big music magazine is Kerrang, the focus on rock and screamo music. I think their target audience is mainly teenagers, they talk about a lot of bands with younger fans, and have many posters inside, which teenagers will use. It is also the UK's biggest selling rock magazine. It is published weekly.
 The worlds most popular music magazine in Mojo. Their main focus is classic rock music. I think this magazine has a target audience 18 and above, as it focuses on older performers such as the Beatles.

Monday 3 December 2012

Contents analysis

This is a contents page from Elle magazine. I really like the layout of this one, with the image and title at the top of the page, and the actuall text being the other half. This is something i would be interested in doing for my magazine. I like the simple colours of this one, it really works well with the top image,as its mainly black and white with a hint of other colour, Elle's being red,this is also something i would be interested in using in my magazine.

Contents analysis

This is a contents page from Kerrang Magazine.  This has a lot more text and colour on it compared to the last one i looked at. It has a lot of small text, but also has a few different images around the page. It does have one main image, which the the smaller ones are placed round this, and the main text. It has lot a lot to look at, the whole page is completely coverd with text or pictures. which is something i don't want when designing my magazine.

Contents analysis

This is an example of Spin Magazines contents page. I love the colour scheme and layout of this one. It's very minimalistic, which is something i am interested in for magazine. Again i really like the black, white and grey colours, this makes it look more colourful than just black and white. This is also something i would be interested in doing to add some colour to the magazine. I espically like how that page is more focused on the image, which takes up most of the page, and the actual text is very small and to the side.

Cover analysis

This is an example of NME magazine cover, it's a special edition so the cover image is in black and white, with only the masthead and sell lines in colour. The cover image is not a studio shot, so it doesn't have one block colour as a background it has buildings. I like the way this looks espically, with the black and white colour scheme. But i dislike the red for some of the text, it suits this magazine, but i personally like other colours with black and white.  Its very simple and has only one image, which i think works really well with the colour scheme. I also really like where they have placed the text, the very top, they very bottom, and across the middle of the cover image.
I would like my college magazine to be lightly based around this cover.

Monday 26 November 2012

Cover analysis


These are two covers of the same magazine.  They are both very simplistic in their colours and design, but one has a lot more to look at compared to the other. For my college magazine i would rather base mine of the cover on the left because it has more text, which i would need for a college magazine to get people to buy it. What i like about the one of the left is the colours, and the very simple background which just main picture, which is what i like about all Vogue covers.  I really like the colours of the left cover, they all go really well, and are colours i would be using on my magazine covers.

Survey results

I did a survey online to help gather ideas for my college magazine cover. I asked questions about things such as price and articles to help me see what people would be interested in.
Firstly All of the people that completed the survey were aged between 13 and 19, and 30% were male and 70% female.  I found this helpful as within this age range would the target market for a college magazine. And it could be mainly females that might buy a college magazine, this well help with my design.

Most of the people who answered said they would buy a college magazine if they could, if it had something they would be interested in. This surprised me because i expected more No's in this answer.

I have different answers for the price, most people wouldn't pay over a pound and would pay between 10p and 50p. I expected people to not want to pay but if they did pay i thought the answers would be over £1.

78% think it should be published fortnightly, 11.1% said weekly and 11.1% said monthly.
80% of the people are interested in music, 60% fashion, 60% films, 30& reading and 20% are interested in sports. This is what i expected when i asked this question, that most people would be interested in music.

Most people said that they would want to see articles about things going on in the college and things such as music.  A few people also said articles on new books would be something there interested in, as well as interviews and other news.

This survey did help me a little bit as it gave me a better idea if what would featured in the magazine and how much it would be priced and published.
This link is a direct link to the survey i created.

Magazine Drafts

 I designed some magazine drafts for the front cover of my college magazine, i drew them on paper first and then did them on word documents. They are both very similar but have a few differences. I also did one cover draft of a contents page.  i would like my cover to be very organised and simplistic, such as Vogue. With just one main picture, and no others around it, gossip magazines such as Heat have other pictures around the outside i feel this looks to clustered.

contents page examples

These are some examples of contents pages i found on the Internet, not all of them are for college magazine. It gives me an idea of what sort of layout to use for my contents page.  My favourite one is the grey background on as its very minimalistic  

College magazine cover examples

These are examples of other college magazines made by students that we looked on the Internet for. Some of these are more my style than others. The Freshers magazine is my favourite, i really like the colours and the layout of this one, it looks very professional.

Magazine examples

Here i have collected some images of magazine covers, for examples for my college magazine, these are all well known magazines. I picked this selection because i like all of the colour schemes, and the way each cover is layed out. Especially Vogue and Billboard magazine, although i would have to make a college magazine using brighter colours. All these magazines are designed to attract a younger audience, especially Kerrang which is designed for teenagers interested in rock music. Whereas Vogue is designed for Women for any age, which is why it has such a simplistic theme, to attract everyone. I like the covers that have one colour as a background, with two simple other colours for the text.  My fonts i prefer are Vogue's and Billboards, i think these fit very well with a simplistic theme.

Shot Types

 This a point of view shot, showing what someone else can see.
 This a 2 shot, a medium shot of 2 people.
 This is a long shot, or a vista shot.
 A group shot.
 A over the shoulder shot.
These are some pictures we took to show examples of shot types, so we got used to them when we make our magazine covers. This is an extreme close up shot.

G321: Foundation portfolio in media

Using  DTP and image manipulation programme , i am producing the front page and a contents  of a new college magazine. The front page will feature a medium close up of a student and across the remainder of the magazine four of my own photos.
Following on from this the main task is the front page, contents and a double page spread of a new music magazine, which will be using more of my own photos.
This blog will be used to record all my planning and research, so it will be easy to keep track of what i have done, and what needs to be done.