Monday 26 November 2012

Survey results

I did a survey online to help gather ideas for my college magazine cover. I asked questions about things such as price and articles to help me see what people would be interested in.
Firstly All of the people that completed the survey were aged between 13 and 19, and 30% were male and 70% female.  I found this helpful as within this age range would the target market for a college magazine. And it could be mainly females that might buy a college magazine, this well help with my design.

Most of the people who answered said they would buy a college magazine if they could, if it had something they would be interested in. This surprised me because i expected more No's in this answer.

I have different answers for the price, most people wouldn't pay over a pound and would pay between 10p and 50p. I expected people to not want to pay but if they did pay i thought the answers would be over £1.

78% think it should be published fortnightly, 11.1% said weekly and 11.1% said monthly.
80% of the people are interested in music, 60% fashion, 60% films, 30& reading and 20% are interested in sports. This is what i expected when i asked this question, that most people would be interested in music.

Most people said that they would want to see articles about things going on in the college and things such as music.  A few people also said articles on new books would be something there interested in, as well as interviews and other news.

This survey did help me a little bit as it gave me a better idea if what would featured in the magazine and how much it would be priced and published.
This link is a direct link to the survey i created.

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